Friday, January 31, 2020

The Chinese Miracle Essay Example for Free

The Chinese Miracle Essay Many developing countries have sought rapid and sustained economic growth, but few have encountered China’s success. What are the key explanatory factors accounting for the so-called â€Å"Chinese miracle† of the past three decades? Introduction The landscape and the economy of China has extremely changed and developed for thirty years. The â€Å"Chinese miracle† as we called is a really interesting topic such no one country had known a lightning economic ascent as China. Several factors explain that rise to power but I think it is better to talk about almost entirely a few of them instead of name ten factors and develop them during only some sentences. That’s why I have chosen to develop three elements for this essay which are, in my opinion, the main key factors explaining the potential ascension of the Chinese economy of the past three decades. Of course, for this subject, we have to talk about the Reform and Opening up of 1978 without which China would not be the second world economic power nowadays. Given that it is an essay of a few pages, I will develop a few aspects and not all the elements of this economic reforms’ program. China’s Reform and Opening up In 1978, thanks to Deng Xiaoping who led the Communist Party of China, China knew the world’s biggest economic reform of the nineteenth century. This reform is the most important key factor which can explain the so-called â€Å"Chinese Miracle†. It provides the country an open-minded economy on the world. The reform and opening up took place in two steps. Firstly, in the first ten years from 1978, the reform involved stopping collectivize of agriculture and doing the opposite, the opening up for the foreign investments and to allow businessmen to start up business. Secondly, from the end of 1980s, it entailed privatization of companies and contracting out of a lot state-owned industry. Although state monopolies in sectors such as banking and petroleum remained, the economic reform brought lifting of price controls, protectionist policies and regulations. Thanks to this economic reform which is the largest, foreigners and also overseas Chinese began to invest in China. During the past 30 years, the investment range of overseas Chinese has developed from labor-intensive to capital or technology-intensive industries and has expanded from the hometowns of overseas Chinese to western China via the coastal areas, the inland and central, eventually leading to the all-round opening-up of China. Overseas Chinese businessmen and their enterprises have made a huge contribution to the expansion of Made in China products all over the world. At present, investing in China has become a trend for overseas Chinese. Although statistics are not complete, overseas Chinese and compatriots from Hong Kong and Macao who have found enterprises represent about 70% of the total of overseas-funded enterprises in China. In the past thirty years, they have donated billions of yuan to Chinese public services, to set up thousands of middle and primary schools. They also donated vehicles, medical equipment, motorcycles, nylon cloth, fertilizers, chemical fibers, refrigerators and agricultural machines. The return of many overseas Chinese directly changed the daily lives of ordinary Chinese people at that time by means of televisions, washing machines, sewing machines and radios which were scarce items. When we notice all the capital, the investments and donations which have been brought for three decades by the overseas Chinese and the foreigners, we can say that without the Reform and Opening up which gather a lot of economic reforms, the economy and quality of the life in China would not be what it is now. Population, production costs and way of life in China According to me, ones of the most important factors which can explain the surprising and rapid growth of China are the population in China, the cost of living and the way of life of Chinese people. Although some of countries in Europe enjoyed a fast growth decades ago, no one benefited from a growth with two numerals during several years like China. One of the reasons is the population in China which exceed 1. 300. 000. 000 persons, which means that more than one person out of five on the Earth is Chinese. With the biggest population of the world, it is not surprising that China is one of the biggest economic world-power because the country disposes of a huge workforce. Although having a big population for a country bring it to be a big economic power in the world like the United States, France and Russia, it is not enough for a country to establish itself as the first worldwide producer in a lot of different sectors. Indeed, China can base its economy on its population but especially on its cost of living therefore on the production costs. The cost of living is the biggest known reason of the economic success of China since we had known the globalization because all the production costs for the companies are cheaper than in Europe and the United States. Since our world economy entered in the globalization, almost of the companies from the secondary sector (in contrast with the primary and the tertiary sector) had begun to produce their goods or some pieces of their goods in China. Worldwide companies except non-profit-making organizations and a few ones have as goal to make profits. So, since China has opened its borders to foreign countries to doing business with them three decades ago, multinational but also small and medium-sized firms took advantage of this great opportunity to outsource their factory in order to reduce their production costs substantially and so to make more profits. However, it’s also the way of life, the culture of the Chinese people which contribute to make this kind of large-scaled producing system possible. Chinese people have a different consideration about their job, their work more and they have less leisure time than European people. They work hard, they usually finish their workday at 8 pm and they have fewer days off than in Europe or the United States. They consider the job as emancipating, an opportunity to socially go up. Of course, it is the case for the graduated Chinese who went at school and university and not for the Chinese who work in the toys or textile factories for example. It is easy for Chinese companies or foreign companies like Foxconn to find workforce like this second part of workers whose agree to work more than ten hours per day in hard working conditions without a good salary because they don’t have work in their village and also in order to bring back money at home to pay the school of their children. In my opinion, these three factors mixed together come to one of the most important reason that China imposes itself as regards world economic power. For a few years, China is the factory of the world. Billions of goods come from the factories of China and most of the biggest factories in the world are located there. Nowadays, the result is so that the Chinese industry carries weight in the world economy. China is the first producer of the toys sector, the shoes sector, the textile sector, the household electrical goods and many more thanks to its huge workforce. The monetary policy of China The second key explanatory factor is the monetary policy of the Chinese government. If China was able to establish itself as nowadays the second economic world-power, it is mostly thanks to its substantial exportations. In fact, we can easily understand that the rate of exchange of the Chinese currency, the Yuan or RenMinBi, play an important part to promote or not the exportations of the country. That’s why for several years, the Chinese government has chosen to devaluate its currency in order to boost its exportations which make for China to maintain a strong rhythm of growth. When we look at the recent history of the RenMinBi, we notice that since 21th July 2005, a nearly-fixed parity vis-a-vis the U. S. Dollar was organized. However, starting from that date the authorities decided to index the Yuan to a basket of currencies and a devaluation of 2% of the Yuan was also decided in parallel vis-a-vis the U. S. Dollar. Facing the American pressure, Beijing agreed to revalue the Yuan little by little until it will be again index to the dollar by a fixed parity in 2008. Since 2008, the Yuan has not evolved weighty in the exchange rate market. For three-four years, we see arguments from Europe and the United States about the Yuan’s exchange rate. According to them, Beijing often maintains its currency to a low artificially level. However, not long ago, even if China wants to keep the control of its currency and not to be dictated by Europe, United States or the IMF about the exchange rate of the Yuan, that one was revalued by its government. So, we can notice that the low rate of the Yuan has greatly favored the Chinese companies compared to European and American firms for many years. Today, the Yuan’s rate has already begun to increase in relation to five years ago. Some experts say that the Yuan is undervalued by more than 20%. But even if the Chinese economy is based on the exportations for three decades, the re-value of the RenMinBi will give again some purchasing power for the households, restart the consumption and will bring China to be less dependent on its overseas trade. Conclusion In conclusion, we can notice that the â€Å"Chinese miracle† has been possible for the most part thanks to the Reform and Opening up in 1978. However, this single reform program doesn’t suffice to explain the fast economic growth of China. Factors as the production costs, the huge population of the country, the culture of the work and the devaluation of the Yuan are key factors which have led China to be the second, and first soon, economic world-power. For three decades by means of these mixed factors, China has greatly improved the state of its economy, the quality of the life of its population, its infrastructure, its education system, etc. Moreover, thanks to the Reform and Opening up in 1978, Chinese people became more open-minded of others cultures. They could meet foreigners and started doing business with them. We can also notice that China is indebted to overseas Chinese who has brought a lot for their country with their bountiful donations. However, although the life’s quality of the Chinese people is better than thirty years ago, we don’t have to forget that in China the Gini coefficient is the highest and so the contribution inequalities are the biggest. One of the next challenges of the Chinese government is to watch out for what more Chinese can take advantage of the good health of the economy. Bibliography Websites : * http://www. china. org. cn/china/reform-opening-up/2008-12/19/content_16978369_2. htm * http://www. china. org. cn/china/reform-opening-up/2008-10/15/content_16645211. htm * http://www. china. org. cn/china/reform-opening-up/2008-12/10/content_16926213. htm * http://www. china. org. cn/international/2008-06/20/content_15859984. htm * http://www.china. org. cn/china/reform-opening-up/2008-11/25/content_16822741. htm * http://www. bbc. co. uk/news/world-asia-china-20069627 * http://www. nytimes. com/2012/11/09/opinion/china-should-reform-and-open-up. html * http://www. lefigaro. fr/tauxetdevises/2010/04/10/04004-20100410ARTFIG00642-la-chine-et-les-etats-unis-debattent-du-yuan-. php * http://www. lefigaro. fr/tauxetdevises/2010/09/29/04004-20100929ARTFIG00722-yuan-les-deputes-americains-veulent-sanctionner-la-chine. php * http://www. lefigaro. fr/tauxetdevises/2010/03/30/04004-20100330ARTFIG00772-pekin-se-prepare-a-reevaluer-sa-monnaie-. php * http://www. lefigaro. fr/tauxetdevises/2010/05/19/04004-20100519ARTFIG00599-baisse-de-l-euro-pekin-hesite-a-reevaluer-le-yuan. php * http://www. thedailybeast. com/newsweek/2012/07/08/the-end-of-china-s-economic-miracle. html * http://www. guardian. co. uk/world/2004/nov/08/china. jamesmeek Videos: * http://www. china. org. cn/video/2008-11/27/content_16838090. htm * http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=SSuUM3Abe00.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Gender and Transcendence: Sexing Melvilles Whale :: essays papers

Gender and Transcendence: Sexing Melville's Whale Mention Moby-Dick to most undergraduates and their response is either a yawn or a groan.Of course, few of them have actually read the novel; rather, their trepidation is usually based on hearing over and over again that it's a Great Book.If it's been a Great Book for over 150 years, they ask, what could it possibly teach us now, on the brink of the 21st Century? Such thinking seems to have created a rather large hole in what most undergraduates know about 19th century American literature--a hole large enough to swallow not only Melville's whale but all of R. W. Emerson and most of Emily Dickinson, as well.Without such foundational works, most undergraduates--even those interested in a serious study of American literature--miss out on a great deal in 20th Century American texts which builds on the philosophical themes present in those Great (Old) Books. For instance, Transcendentalism was one of the major intellectual centers to much 19th century American writing; and of course thousands of pages have been written about transcendentalism as a theme in Emerson and Dickinson, and an anti-theme in Melville.But most undergraduates are for the most part unaware of this deep vein of transcendentalism running through American thought and letters, and thus portions of modern prose and poetry that respond to it are largely unintelligible to them.If they've studied Emerson at all, it is as the high priest of American individualism, a sort of early American "self help" guru. On the other hand, most of today's undergraduates considergender criticism supremely relevant; many are even somewhat familiar with its terms and principles.Examining literary and cultural texts in terms of what they have to say about gender is a practice with which they are relatively familiar, and one about which they usually already have opinions.It is, in short, a vocabulary in which they are far more conversant than that of transcendentalism specifically and 19th Century American literature generally. As I began thinking about a class which might bring these two topics together, some questions immediately occurred to me: Are examinations of transcendence at all gendered?Is transcendence figured as possessing gender, requiring gender, confounding gender?If the new gender criticism seeks to go "beyond" the boundaries of our traditional concepts of gender and sexuality, then shouldn't one expect to find some connections with works which examine the very philosophy of going beyond common boundaries of self and other? Gender and Transcendence: Sexing Melville's Whale :: essays papers Gender and Transcendence: Sexing Melville's Whale Mention Moby-Dick to most undergraduates and their response is either a yawn or a groan.Of course, few of them have actually read the novel; rather, their trepidation is usually based on hearing over and over again that it's a Great Book.If it's been a Great Book for over 150 years, they ask, what could it possibly teach us now, on the brink of the 21st Century? Such thinking seems to have created a rather large hole in what most undergraduates know about 19th century American literature--a hole large enough to swallow not only Melville's whale but all of R. W. Emerson and most of Emily Dickinson, as well.Without such foundational works, most undergraduates--even those interested in a serious study of American literature--miss out on a great deal in 20th Century American texts which builds on the philosophical themes present in those Great (Old) Books. For instance, Transcendentalism was one of the major intellectual centers to much 19th century American writing; and of course thousands of pages have been written about transcendentalism as a theme in Emerson and Dickinson, and an anti-theme in Melville.But most undergraduates are for the most part unaware of this deep vein of transcendentalism running through American thought and letters, and thus portions of modern prose and poetry that respond to it are largely unintelligible to them.If they've studied Emerson at all, it is as the high priest of American individualism, a sort of early American "self help" guru. On the other hand, most of today's undergraduates considergender criticism supremely relevant; many are even somewhat familiar with its terms and principles.Examining literary and cultural texts in terms of what they have to say about gender is a practice with which they are relatively familiar, and one about which they usually already have opinions.It is, in short, a vocabulary in which they are far more conversant than that of transcendentalism specifically and 19th Century American literature generally. As I began thinking about a class which might bring these two topics together, some questions immediately occurred to me: Are examinations of transcendence at all gendered?Is transcendence figured as possessing gender, requiring gender, confounding gender?If the new gender criticism seeks to go "beyond" the boundaries of our traditional concepts of gender and sexuality, then shouldn't one expect to find some connections with works which examine the very philosophy of going beyond common boundaries of self and other?

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Hannibal and the Carthaginian Empire Essay

Hannibal was great and famous Carthaginian general. He is remembered for his great strategic skills on the battle field and as a great military chief. Born in late 247 BC, was the oldest son of Hamilcar Barca. In 237 BC, Hamilcar took his nine year old son, Hannibal, to the altar of a Carthaginian god and made him pledge eternal hatred to the Romans. Then Hannibal and his father left for Spain. The headquarters of Carthaginian power in Spain was the city of New Carthage. Hannibal saw immediately his father’s techniques for war . When Hamilcar perished in the battle of 230 BC, his son-in-law, Hasdrubal, became the military leader plus the political leader and continued Carthage’s pressure in Spain. In 226 BC Hasdrubal signed an agreement with the Romans. The agreement stated that neither army could cross the Ebro River in the northern Spain . When Hasdrubal was murdered in 221 BC, the Carthaginians collectively elected twenty-six-year-old Hannibal to be the leader in Carthaginian government and commandant of the army in Spain. After Hamilcar’s death Hannibal became an excellent military leader. â€Å"Under [Hannibal’s] control the Carthaginians made large territorial advances†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (I-cias). He learned quickly how to be a leader and with the support of his brothers he was able to succeed through his battles. Hannibal was crossing the Alps and was able to receive rations for a couple days. â€Å"On the third day he captured a Gallic town and provided the army from its stores with rations for two or three days† (Alps). He wanted the best for his army, but had little support from Carthage. Despite the number of men falling from the army due to natural disasters he managed to recruit others. â€Å"Even if many fell from his army during this march because of snowstorms, landslides, and attacks from hostile local tribes, he managed to recruit new personnel along the route. † His strategy was to respond quickly to these natural disasters and it helped him. Hannibal earned his success by enduring hardships with his recruits and reinforcements. Hannibal experienced many challenges including battle delays little amount of military equipment and a small number of reinforcements from home. Other military leaders knew he would not be able to handle a delay due to the lack of preparation he took for each battle. â€Å"He [Fabius, Roman Military Leader] believed that Hannibal lacked the equipment for a prolonged siege and that a delay in the battle would seriously reduce the Carthaginian food supply†. Rome believed that delays would end in the conquering of Hannibal because of the lack of necessities there was little he could do. Hannibal began to suffer during his career due to the lack of food. â€Å"Zama was the only defeat. Hannibal suffered in his military career† . After his defeat his enemies began to discover his weakness. Hannibal was running out of everything during the Battle of Cannae and his help refused to aid him. â€Å"Hannibal needed reinforcements, which the Carthaginian government refused to furnish, and he also lacked siege weapons† . Hannibal’s restrictions could have given him success, had he been willing to bargain with another force greater then his own. Hannibal was the instrument of his own undoing. Hannibal was set on being the conqueror and set on some one else’s defeat, which lead him to his own. His enemy, Rome, was the center of his downfall. He would never settle and there was no satisfaction between them. â€Å"†¦In 218, he clashed with the Roman army. The Romans claimed that this was a break of an existing treaty between Rome and Carthage and demanded Hannibal surrendered to them†¦the Second Punic War started† (I-cias). If Hannibal conquered Romans he would never be able to rule over. â€Å"According to legend, Hamilcar had made the young Hannibal swear on a sacred altar that he would remain an enemy of Rome for life† . Hannibal had made a promise to his father, therefore intending to go on with nothing. â€Å"The loss of the second city of Italy cost Hannibal the allegiance of many of his Italian allies and put an end to his hopes of further replenishing his army from their ranks† . Hannibal had lost it all. His hope had been limited at this point. Hannibal both succeeded and failed. He never won the hearts of the people; therefore he was never able to truly be victorious. Hannibal married a Spanish princess and conquered the surrounding land and took hostages from the adjacent tribes to assure their loyalty to him without crossing the Ebro River, except for the city of Saguntum, an ally of Rome. When Saguntum began trouble between Carthage and Rome in 219 BC, Hannibal invaded the city. This began the Second Punic War . After hearing the declaration of war Hannibal immediately starts off towards Rome. The problem was he had to go by land since Rome controlled the seas. Hannibal began a long and hazardous expedition across the Pyrenees and the Alps in August of 218, with battle elephants walking at the front of his army . In the spring of 218 BC, Hannibal handed over command of the Spanish armies to his brother Hasdrubal. He then led his troops north toward the Pyrenees Mountains and began one of the most famous journeys in history . Hannibal’s army included Libyans and Numidians from North Africa, Iberians and Celtiberians from Spain, and Gauls from Spain, France, and Italy. There were thirty-five thousand foot soldiers, twelve thousand horsemen, and fifty war elephants. Hannibal used the elephants to break infantry lines and to create fear and disorder. The elephants also frightened horses, so they were able to disrupt the enemy’s cavalry . In the Pyrenees, Hannibal encountered resistance from local tribes. He lost a lot of his men to fighting, and some of the mercenaries went home because they were scared of the long journey. With all this, Hannibal continued to move as quickly as possible, but bad luck fell into Hannibal’s lap as early snows and landslides kill many of his men and almost all of his war elephants . He enters Italy with only twenty-six thousand men and five or six war elephants in September 218. Hannibal and his troops spent the winter in Po Valley. In the spring of 217 BC When news of Hannibal’s army reached Rome, the Gauls of northern Italy revolted. They joined Hannibal in fighting the Romans. Now Hannibal had a sufficient army of infantry and cavalry. The Romans had plans to attack Carthage and New Carthage, but they had to be delayed because of the rebelling tribes in Italy and the approach of Hannibal. So the Romans sent troops under the command of Publius Cornelius Scipio, to stop Hannibal at Massilia . Massilia is on the French coast where the Rhone River runs into the Mediterranean Sea. The Rhone is a wide river with a swift current, so it was a great obstacle to Hannibal. Scipio’s troops set up camp by the sea, thinking that Hannibal would reach Massilia in the near future. But he did not realize how fast Hannibal was moving his troops . When Scipio received news of Hannibal, it was too late. Hannibal had moved his entire army across the Rhone, fifty miles north of Massilia . Although Hannibal’s army had been reduced to twenty-six thousand infantry, nine thousand horses, and five or six elephants, it was a great accomplishment to get across the Rhone. To transport the elephants, the men built rafts . When the Alps came into view, Hannibal allowed his army a few days to rest, because he knew that his army had doubts about crossing the Alps. Never before had elephants crossed the Alps. The army did not reach the Alps until late in the year, and many troops and horses were killed. Some troops who came from warmer climates died from the cold. Some troops died of hunger because food was short to come by. Others died in fights with mountain tribes. Some of the mountain tribes rolled big stones down the mountains and caused men and animals to fall from the narrow mountain passage .

Monday, January 6, 2020

High School vs College Essay - 1236 Words

Carlis Mckenley Hand Jr. ENGL 1101 November 26, 2012 Compare and Contrast Essay High School vs College Having a good education is the key to becoming successful in life. It is a proven fact. This achievement requires not only graduating from high school, but also from college. Moving from high school to college may be an exciting transition, but it is also a very difficult one. It is a challenge that the student will struggle with and eventually adjust to over time. Although there are many differences between high school and college, one should not think that they are tow completely different worlds. They have their similarities, too. Being a college student requires a lot of responsibility, lots more than is required in high†¦show more content†¦If you thought you were going to avoid these classes, then you thought wrong. I thought I was done with english and history. My high school guidance counselor pulled up VSU’s core curriculum and proved me wrong. Just like in high school, college students have to take a certain amount of classes from each subject in order to get a degree. In high school there are many cliques that form. The rich students bond together in the preppy clique. There are also cliques for those that are involved in sports. Cliques form in a wide variety and every student is in some way or another involved in at least one. College also has cliques that are very similar. As soon as you â€Å"warm up† to the college life, you will find yourself involved in one and there’s nothing wrong with that. It will help you meet new people and ease the transition from high school to college. These cliques help the school year pass quicker and make it more memorable when you are doing things with friends as compared to being alone the whole year. In college you will find the structure of classes to be the same as the one used in high school. Semester systems are used to divide up the year into at least two grading periods. In addition, everyone has classes to attend or else they wouldn’t be conside red a student. Each student also has a certain grade requirement that they must meet in order to pass the course. In college if you don’t make a certain grade, you may lose yourShow MoreRelatedCollege Vs. High School858 Words   |  4 PagesCollege Vs. High School Some may think that high school and college reading and writing are similar and that it’s just the next level up but it s not, they differentiate in many ways. College reading and writing is more than that, it’s a completely different world when compared to high school. It’s much more advanced and complexed. Some ideas that can be compared are the way we annotate, understand text, assignment topics, the depth of research, and so on. This is important to understanding howRead MoreHigh School Vs. College873 Words   |  4 PagesHigh School Vs. College The transition from high school to college is not only an exciting challenge, but also a great milestone in one’s life. High school and college both share the common goal of expanding students’ knowledge; however, there are many differences between high school and college. They are similar in such ways that you still have to go to class, do class work, take test, and study hard. They differ because in college one is taking on an entire new load of responsibility and optionsRead MoreHigh School Vs. College1149 Words   |  5 PagesProfessor Grunow Writing 1010 October 26, 2015 High School vs. College Graduating from high school is what every student is looking forward to. However, going to college is a big accomplishment for all students. The first day of freshman high school and college feels the same, the excitement and pressured. As many students experienced, both high school and college could be compared their similarities. First, both students in college and high school are expected to behave in well mannered, attendRead MoreCollege Vs. High School938 Words   |  4 PagesWelcome to college! Congratulations on making it this far! Now the time comes to ramp up the ante! No such program as stepping up to college exists as it does for for high school. Oh wait! It’s called high school. Move it or lose it now, your future rests on your shoulders. High school teachers just handed you your future based on the way you schooled, and college professors tell you to figure it out. College trips up hundreds of students a year, refrain from letting yourself become one ofRe ad MoreHigh School Vs. College1217 Words   |  5 PagesHigh School vs. College In the America, children begin school around the age of six. Once a student enters elementary school, most stay there for five to six years before they go on to secondary school, which involves middle school and high school. After graduating high school some students go on to pursue a â€Å"higher education† through college, but any further schooling after high school is no longer mandatory. In the professional world it is becoming harder and harder for high school students toRead MoreHigh School Vs. College923 Words   |  4 PagesEng. 110-48 31 August 2015 High School Vs. College High school and college are both higher education institutions that enlighten students; however, there are many differences between the two that make them both unique. In high school, the goal is to gain a broad understanding of numerous subjects so that when they arrive to college, they have an understanding of their interests, goals, dreams, and what it takes to pursue their potential career. High school works as a place for students toRead MoreHigh School Vs. College1236 Words   |  5 Pages201    High school vs. College Having a great education is the best legacy in life. It is a proven fact. This accomplishment requires moving on from high school, as well as from college. Moving from high school to college might be an energizing change, yet it is additionally an exceptionally troublesome one. It is a test that the understudy will battle with and in the end change in accordance with after some time. Despite the fact that there are numerous contrasts between high school and college, oneRead MoreHigh School Vs. College965 Words   |  4 PagesHigh School vs. College In the American schooling system, children begin primary school around the age of six, this is called elementary school and most students stay there for five to six years before they go on to secondary school which involves middle school and high school. After graduating high school some students may go on to â€Å"higher education† known as college, but any schooling done after high school is no longer mandatory. In high school there is a certain structure that has to beRead MoreHigh School Vs. College853 Words   |  4 Pagesdifference between high school and college from having bells to a no dress policy. For high school students, they are obligated to go, and if they don’t attend then the government comes into play. As for college, it s a choice to go back to school. Students in college have variety of classes to choose from and freedom,etc. This could be freedom from parents or just doing whatever you want without parents barking at you, because you are now an adult. Even though I have been in college for only a semesterRead MoreHigh School Vs. College1294 Words   |  6 PagesHigh School Versus College Schools are undoubtedly important to one’s education. The most important of those schools are high schools and colleges because they have the most impact on deciding what occupation a student wants to pursue. Although high schools and colleges share similarities in providing education, there are also many differences between each other. In both high schools and colleges there are teachers that educate students on certain subjects. Those subjects can range from mathematics